Director: Samar Khan
Genre: Drama
The film Shaurya is the story of Javed, a man who is termed wrong by his own country by the same men who fought along with him and who were also his friends. This is also the story of Siddhant, whose ambition is to escape the reality and was not prepared for the truth of life. It’s also the story of Kaavya who didn't knew why it was difficult to speak the truth. And Aakash who believed that going by rules was the only way to live life. This story is also about Brigadier Pratap who lived only by his own principles and didn't bother even if they were against humanity.
As the story progresses Captain Javed Khan is accused with mutiny, treason and murdering a fellow officer. When he is held for court martial, Captain Javed refuses to speak in his defense, as the secret he holds is more powerful for the establishment to tackle.
This case is assigned to Sid and Aakash who are best friends, lawyers and very ambitious persons who views on life are contrasting. Nevertheless, this case was going to change their lives forever. For solving the they reach Srinagar. For Askash, winning the case matters the most. He follows the blueprint, while Sid finds out a new meaning in life, Kaavya.
Songs from 'Shaurya'
The film Shaurya is the story of Javed, a man who is termed wrong by his own country by the same men who fought along with him and who were also his friends. This is also the story of Siddhant, whose ambition is to escape the reality and was not prepared for the truth of life. It’s also the story of Kaavya who didn't knew why it was difficult to speak the truth. And Aakash who believed that going by rules was the only way to live life. This story is also about Brigadier Pratap who lived only by his own principles and didn't bother even if they were against humanity.
As the story progresses Captain Javed Khan is accused with mutiny, treason and murdering a fellow officer. When he is held for court martial, Captain Javed refuses to speak in his defense, as the secret he holds is more powerful for the establishment to tackle.
This case is assigned to Sid and Aakash who are best friends, lawyers and very ambitious persons who views on life are contrasting. Nevertheless, this case was going to change their lives forever. For solving the they reach Srinagar. For Askash, winning the case matters the most. He follows the blueprint, while Sid finds out a new meaning in life, Kaavya.
Songs from 'Shaurya'
01. Shaurya Kya Hai - Shah Rukh Khan
02. Dheere Dheere - Adnan Sami, Sunidhi Chauhan
03. Dosti Kya Hai - Udit Narayan, Abhijeet
04. Ghabra Ke Dar Dar Ke - Adnan Sami, Sunidhi Chauhan
05. Jaane Kyon Jaaneman - Sunidhi Chauhan
06. Shaurya - Kunal Ganjawala
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